Acknowledging a problem with addiction is one of the first, miraculous, steps that a person can take. Once someone chooses rehab, a thorough intake process takes shape to promote long-time recovery. Treatment begins with a thorough health screening that includes identifying co-occurring mental health issues, which are also sometimes called dual diagnosis. Here’s why dual diagnosis matters, and how it can affect your treatment.
Dual diagnosis residential treatment provides an intensive, integrated approach to therapy and addiction treatment. Dual diagnosis inpatient treatment centers are structured to provide a controlled, clinical environment where patients can work toward addiction recovery. This is where patients can focus and devote quality time to learning new skills to cope and build self-esteem and their sense of self-worth. Patients with a dual diagnosis have both a mental disorder, or a drug or alcohol addiction.
Who Benefits from Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers
Anyone fortunate enough to reach rehab can benefit from the therapies and counseling provided. The chance to address co-occurring illnesses, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, or bipolar disorder, is one reason why dual diagnosis matters. These are quite often disorders that can fuel, or lead to, drug addictions. In fact, these disorders often make it difficult to recognize the various symptoms of an addiction. It is also a fact that people with these disorders can mask them by the drugs they choose to use. Clinical rehab professionals have the tools and experience to discover concurring disorders.
Consider the following tell-tale signs of a drug or alcohol addiction:
- Obsessive use of alcohol or drugs that include gambling, compulsive sex, anxiety, depression, violent mood swings, and even shoplifting.
- Flashbacks or panic attacks may indicate substance abuse, but indicate there is a mental disorder at the very least. Such symptoms will usually appear after heaving drinking or drug use.
- A sudden withdrawal from normal social relationships that include friends, family members, and others in various social networks. Work relationships will also be affected.
- Legal difficulties, such as an arrest or incarceration are also signs there may be an addiction at play. Homelessness, all of a sudden, is a sure sign that a person’s life has changed—and most likely not for the better.
During the detox phase of rehab, patients are treated with medications to help ease their recovery. For those suffering from psychiatric disorders, 12-step group and other counseling is available to help patients understand how their thinking has contributed to their present dilemma.
Have questions about addiction?
Call us at 855-430-9426 to speak with a recovery specialist.
Dual recovery is based on the following certainties.
- Mental illness symptoms are challenging to discover because they can be easily masked by drug or alcohol use.
- Patients without such a diagnosis may go through rehab and experience a complete relapse later.
A person suffering from an addiction should have access to therapies and counseling that addresses the complete individual and their clinical needs. Detox address the act of removing harmful chemicals from the body. Rehab places focus on helping individuals understand how their thinking and behaviors have affected their lives and those in their circle of influence. This is where the mental healing begins. After rehab, patients are encouraged to put their new coping skills to work. There will always be social challenges, but patients learn to deal with them in a much more positive way. Cognitive therapy teaches that, while a situation may not change, patients can personally respond. Positive outcomes are more imminent.
Aftercare and follow-up are essential parts of the rehab process as well. Patients learn to bridge the gap between rehab and re-entering life. Anyone suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction should seek rehab treatment that offers dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis works! Get the help you or a loved one needs today.
Have questions about addiction?Chat with one of our recovery specialists now.

Written By: Sprout Editorial Team
The Sprout Health Group editorial team is passionate about addiction treatment, recovery and mental health issues. Every article is expert-reviewed.