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Bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Contrary to popular belief, episodes are not sudden shifts in behavior, and they may not occur regularly.

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Anxiety Disorders

The problem with anxious thoughts begins when they cannot be put aside after stressful or dangerous situations. Experiencing dread without cause is a clear sign of anxiety.

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Adjustment disorder

Adjustment Disorder

Someone suffering from adjustment disorder may experience trouble sleeping, a lack of appetite, constant worry, frequent crying, feelings of hopelessness, difficulty concentrating, overwhelm, withdrawal from family or friends, avoidance of important obligations and even suicidal behavior or thoughts.

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Marijuana refers to the dried flowers, leaves, and stems of the Cannabis plant. Although Cannabis is still an illegal drug on the federal level, many states have legalized or decriminalized recreational use the drug.

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Depression is the second-most common mental disorder in the United States behind anxiety, affecting 16.2 million people. Depression affect all areas of a person’s life, disrupting appetite, sleep patterns, relationships and work, leading to physical and emotional stress.

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Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is founded on the principle that cognitive distortions, or exaggerated and irrational thought patterns, lead to emotional distress and anxiety.

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Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Treatment for borderline personality disorder starts with a thorough assessment, including knowledge of a client's personal history.

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Adderall pills


Because of its focus-enhancing effects, Adderall is known as a “study” drug.

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Cocaine causes several physiological effects, such as increased body temperature, constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. For these reasons, cocaine can be particularly dangerous, especially when combined with other drugs or alcohol.

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