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Blog: Disorders

5 Alcohol Addiction Statistics to Give You Hope

If you’re concerned about a problem with drugs or alcohol, statistics don’t always provide comfort. But sometimes, the numbers are on your side. These five alcohol addiction statistics offer reason for hope: 1. For Every Year in Recovery, Your Chances of Lifelong Sobriety Increase  If you or a loved one is considering alcohol addiction treatment, … Continued

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Bipolar disorder and addiction recovery

You’re Not Alone: Battling Bipolar Disorder and Drug Addiction

Many people suffer from bipolar disorder and drug addiction. Here’s how to recognize the symptoms — and how to seek help when you need it. People struggle with addiction for many reasons. Drugs and alcohol might be a means to cope with a traumatic event, day-to-day stressors, or even boredom. Many times, mental health disorders, … Continued

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A woman anxiously gripping a blanket

Conquering Depression

What is this funk? It’s called depression, and it affects more than 264 million people worldwide. It can occur without any loss or great stress to trigger it, be it personal problems, the chronic use of alcohol or other drugs.  Using alcohol or other drugs to improve your mood is especially risky. This is because … Continued

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